Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Bekerja di Swedia

Professor in Media Technology

The School of Computer Science and Communication at the Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, seeks a Professor in Media Technology.
KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. KTH has 13.344 full-time equivalent students of whom 6.955 at Bachelor (first) level and 5.545 at Master (second) level. In addition 1.314 full-time equivalent students at doctoral studies (third) level and 3.900 employees.
CSC is one of Sweden’s most advanced and successful research and education institutions in Information Technology with activities at both KTH and Stockholm University. The activities of the school focus on higher education and research within the traditional core areas of numerical analysis and computer science; from theory building and analysis of mathematical models to algorithm construction, implementation and simulation.
Other core areas of growing importance are technology and methods for the support of human communication and computer mediated cooperation over distances in time and space. The applied research includes scientific computing, computer science, computer vision, robotics, neuroinformatics and neural networks, human-computer interaction, media technology and graphic arts, and communication through speech, language and music. For more information see:


Media Technology

Subject description

The subject includes techniques and methods to support human communication. The subject also covers the conditions for and effects of use of such technologies.
The media subject is multidisciplinary with a focus on technology and processes surrounding media and its production, distribution, communication and consumption. Application areas include both communication with social media and e-learning as well as the production of printed media and moving image.

Eligibility requirements

Qualified to be employed as professor is the applicant, who has shown both scientific and pedagogical skills within the area in question.

Assessment criteria

Extensive media technology skills in one or more relevant areas of expertise, such as graphic technologies, digital media, digital imaging and video, and/or social media, is required. Research skills in media technology from an engineering science perspective will be given high priority.
Demonstrated experience and ability to independently manage, implement and develop education and research of high international quality is of great importance. Demonstrated experience and ability to fund and manage major research projects, and to develop national and international collaboration is of great importance and ability to participate in and develop education at both undergraduate and graduate level and to supervise PhD students. An additional criterion is documented ability to interact with the community and to inform about research and development.

Employee Status

Job Type: Permanent employment
Starting date: By appointment

Application procedure

Application deadline: April 4, 2011
Reference number: VL-2011-0006
The application should be sent in hard copy to:
Royal Institute of Technology
Registrar´s Office
Valhallavägen 79
SE 100 44 Stockholm
For more information about the application procedure, please see the instructions which should be followed as closely as possible, “CV template concerning the application for employment as and promotion to professor/associate professor”
All documents, including referred publications, must be submitted in four copies each of four identical packages. The reference number of VL-2011-0006 must appear on all copies. Applications must be received by the Royal Institute of Technology latest April 4, 2011.
For information about the application procedure, please contact:
Marie Sahlén, Phone: + 46 (0)8 790 70 57, E-mail:
General information about KTH can be found at our website:


Dean of Computer Science and Communication: Jan Gulliksen
Phone: +46-(0)730 37 39 30
Personnel manager Annica Fröberg
Phone: +46 (0)8 790 70 77

Trade union representation

Inger Bergman, Chairman. ST
Phone: +46 (0)8-790 9213
Richard Lingström, SACO
Phone: +46 (0)8-790 82 92
Per-Ove Öster, LO/SEKO
Mobile: +46 (0)70-6908382

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