Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Job: Reporter at Bandung

Reporter - Wilayah Bandung

  • Pria / Wanita
  • Usia maksimal 28 tahun
  • Diutamakan yang berpengalaman di media on line
  • Pendidikan min. S1
  • Paham dunia jurnalistik
  • Sanggup bekerja dengan deadline ketat, mobilitas tinggi, dan team work
  • Tangguh, sehat, cekatan, santun
  • Menguasai bahasa Inggris
  • Mempunyai kendaraan sendiri
  • Komunikatif, aktif, inovatif, kreatif dan berintegritas
  • Berdomisili di Bandung atau bersedia ditempatkan di Bandung
  • Apabila anda memilih posisi yang dilamar anda mencatumkan kode sebagai berikut :
    • Rep Eko ( Reporter Ekonomi )
    • Rep Pol ( Reporter Politik )
    • Rep OL ( Reporter Olah Raga )
    • Rep Tek ( Reporter Teknologi )
Kirim lamaran lengkap beserta CV dan foto terakhir, ke alamat:


Jl. Rimba No. 42 Kebayoran Baru Jakarta 12150
Email :

Job: Presenter

Sun Televisi Network atau yang lebih dikenal dengan sebutan SUN TV adalah sebuah stasiun televisi lokal berjaringan pertama di Indonesia. Saat ini Sun TV membutuhkan tenaga-tenaga muda professional untuk menempati posisi sebagai berikut :
(Jakarta Raya)
  • Pria / Wanita, usia max 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan D3 / S1 segala jurusan (lebih disukai memiliki latar belakang Jurnalistik dan Ekonomi)
  • Aktif BERBAHASA INGGRIS lisan maupun tulisan
  • Memiliki pengalaman dalam bidang jurnalistik (terutama media Televisi) dan penulisan naskah berita minimal selama 1 tahun
  • Aktif berbahasa inggris lisan maupun tulisan
  • Berpenampilan menarik, cameraface dan memiliki suara yang baik
Surat lamaran dan CV serta hasil karya dapat di kirim ke:
MNC Tower Lantai 23, Jl. Kebon Sirih No.17-19 Jakarta 10340

Job: Call Centre

Adalah salah satu Perusahaan Pembiayaan Otomotif (Mobil & Motor), anak perusahaan SUMITOMO CORPORATION JAPAN, saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional untuk posisi:

Part Time Call Center
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Pria/Wanita
  • Usia maksimal 25 tahun
  • Pendidikan min SMA
  • Memiliki kualitas suara yang baik dan dapat mengoperasikan MS Office
  • Waktu kerja: Senin - Jumat, 16.30 - 20.00
  • Sabtu - Minggu, 08.00 - 16.00
Kirimkan lamaran, CV, Fc KTP (Wajib), Foto 4x6 & lampiran pendukung ke:

Ged. Summitmas II, Lt. 18
Jln. Jend. Sudirman, Kav 61-62, Jakarta Selatan

Atau via e-mail ke: (FLK*, CV dan Foto)
Cantumkan kode jabatan dan domisili anda pada sudut kiri atas amplop lamaran atau pada subjek e-mail.
(Contoh: JS-CCS, Depok)
(Attachment Lampiran Tidak Melebihi 500 Kb)

Hanya lamaran yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan diproses
*Formulir Lamaran Kerja dapat didownload di

Job: Korlip TVOne

...dibutuhkan segera.....
Koordinator Liputan
(Jakarta Raya)
  • Lebih diutamakan laki-laki
  • Usia 25-30 tahun
  • Pendidikan minimal S1, segala jurusan
  • Lebih disukai yang berpengalaman 3 tahun sebagai jurnalis
Visit our website,

Jobs: Media Planner

PT Bubu Kreasi Perdana
Due to continued success, our fast paced & fun agency, PT. BUBU KREASI PERDANA as one of Indonesia’s leading and well-respected digital agencies, seeking for a talented team to join a fun and dynamic digital team.
Media Planner
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Bachelor's Degree in any major from reputable University
  • 1-2 years min experience in digital field
  • Able to make media plan
  • Have excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Kirimkan lamaran dan CV Anda:

jobs: Wanna be a Journalist??


PT Dwiputra Group

We are one of the big group company in Jakarta in food industry and chain restaurant, in line with our rapid business expansion, we are looking for dynamic candidates to join our team for the following positions :
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male/Female
  • Minimum Bachelor Degree majoring in Communication / Public Relation from reputable university; fresh graduated
  • Proactive, full of initiative, highly integrity, risk focus and attention to details
  • Highly motivated, disciplined and able to work under pressure with minimum supervision
  • Ability to manage tasks effectively and to motivate team members
  • Excellent administration and interpersonal skills
  • Demonstrate high service attitude with good analytical, judgment and problem solving skills
  • Outstanding PC skills on Microsoft Office and proficiency in written and spoken English
If you are the one who seek for challanges and better career, drop your CV at:

Jl. Meruya Ilir Ruko Intercon Blok F24
Kembangan - Srengseng
Jakarta Barat



Visit our website

Jumat, 27 Mei 2011

CV Cakrawala Internet Service Company

Perusahaan ini didirikan pada tanggal 07 Maret 2011 di Palangka Raya, dengan nama Cakrawala. Secara harafiah Cakrawala diartikan sebagai lengkung langit yang dapat terlihat sejauh mata memandang. Sedangkan  secara filosofis kami memahami bahwa nama cakrawala tepat untuk kami gunakan sebagai harapan  menjadikan dunia yang begitu luas dapat menjadi satu dalam dunia maya sejauh kemampuan manusia untuk terus mencari dan belajar. Hal ini sesuai dengan visi misi perusahaan kami, yang akan terus kami kejar dan wujudkan dengan sebuah komitmen bahwa kami ada untuk melayani seluruh masyarakat Kalimantan Tengah dan kami juga berkomitmen untuk maju bersama masyarakat kalimantan tengah, karena kami juga bagian dari masyarakat tersebut.

Rabu, 18 Mei 2011

Get Your Dollar, NOW!!

Paid To Click, program cari duit dari internet yang asik, santai, tapi tetap membutuhkan kreativitas.... gak perlu ragu deh untuk nyoba... 

Daya tarik internet makin meluas dan menjadi lahan dalam mengumpulkan rupiah dan dollar. Berbagai situs ditawarkan dengan iming-iming pendapatan yang memungkinkan khalayak nyaris tidak bekerja dengan sangat keras. Misalnya, hanya dengan melihat situs, memberi komentar, kita bisa mendapatkan bayaran. Atau dengan mengikuti survey dari sebuah perusahaan, kita pun diberi imbalan. Semuanya, tentu saja tanpa pertemuan face to face, melainkan melalui perantara layar monitor yang terhubung dengan jaringan yang disebut internet. WOWWW.....

Kamis, 05 Mei 2011

Jobs: Script and Assistant EDITOR

MD Entertainment merupakan salah satu rumah produksi terbesar di Indonesia saat ini yang telah menghasilkan sinetron-sinetron populer dan meraih sukses besar seperti 'Cinta Fitri', 'Hikmah', 'Dia', 'Bawang Merah Bawang Putih', dll. Sejak didirikan tahun 2003 sudah lebih dari 200 judul dan 5000 jam tayangan yang telah diproduksi oleh MD Entertainment

Fungsi kerja:Editor
Posisi:Assistant Editor
Lokasi kerja:Jakarta
Jenjang pendidikan:SLTA
Jurusan:Ilmu Komunikasi
Pengalaman kerja:Paling sedikit 1 tahun
Gaji yang ditawarkan:Tidak disebutkan
Persyaratan:- Pria, usia maksimal 25 tahun
- Pendidikan SMU-D3 jurusan Broadcasting
- Menguasai program editing diutamakan yang bisa AVID EXPRESS/PRO HD
- Fresh graduated diperbolehkan melamar
- Diutamakan yang sudah mempunyai pengalaman min. 1 tahun
- Bersedia kerja shifting
Tanggal pemasangan:04 Mei 2011
Tanggal penutupan:07 Mei 2011

Selasa, 03 Mei 2011

Jobs: Translator and editor

A growing financial consultant is seeking IN HOUSE TRANSLATOR & EDITORS (English into Indonesian and v.v. in the field of law).

Based in Jakarta, Indonesia

In House Translator & Editors
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Proficient in English both written and spoken
  • Computer literate
  • Good interpersonal and communication skill
  • Able to work in a team
  • Willing to work under pressure and a very tight deadline
  • D3/S1 Graduate, Preferably from Faculty of Letters
Interested applicants should forward Curriculum Vitae, Application and recent passport-size photograph to the following email address:

Jobs: Translator

PT Plaza Indonesia Realty Tbk, induk perusahaan dari Plaza Indonesia Shopping Center, eX, fX, The Plaza Office Tower, The Grand Hyatt Hotel Jakarta, dan Keraton Residence. Dengan perkembangan organisasi saat ini, kami mencari:

(Jakarta Raya) 

  • Wanita, Single, max. 28 tahun
  • Pendidikan S1 semuajurusan (lebih disukai jurusan Bahasa / Sastra Inggris)
  • Minimal 1 tahun memiliki pengalaman kerja sebagai script writer (Fresh gradued tidak masalah)
  • Mahir berbahasa Inggris (lisan&tulisan) serta komputer (MS- Office), suka tulismenulis
  • Gesit, energik dan dinamis
  • Bersedia bekerja dengan status Project-Based
  • Dapat efektif mulai bulan Mei 2011

Kirimkan Lamaran, CV beserta Foto terbaru ke :

Jobs: Product Marketing

We are one of the fastest growing IT Company and now we are looking for a dynamic people to fill up the position of :

Product Marketing (PM)
(Jakarta Raya)
  • Plan, develop, and direct product strategies for Acer brand and monitor product portfolio in the assigned market segment (commercial/corporate) in order to achieve the agreed division target and company’s objective
  • Plan, develop, and monitor the implementation of product strategy plan so as to support Division strategic plan to be aligned with company’s objective
  • Determine proper market penetration strategy in order to enlarge Acer market segment in Indonesia so as to achieve department target and company business strategy
  • Review subordinate report and provide suggestion (if needed) to get a proper corrective action plan
  • Evaluate data analyze report from subordinate and identify proper action plan to be proposed to Superior and get the approval
  • Coordinate with 3rd party vendor such as AMD, Intel, and Microsoft which related to co-branding activities so as to achieve department and company objective

  • Bachelor degree (S1), majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or Marketing Management from reputable University
  • Male/Female, maximum 35 years old
  • Minimum 5 years working experience in IT Industry as Product Marketing or Sales with at least 3 years in managerial level, especially
    • hardware in notebook, desktop, server, and
    • hardware in projector & LCD monitor
  • Highly analytical with strong math skills
  • Deep passion for products and track record to define market winning product and product strategy
  • Good written and verbal communication skills
  • Computer literacy

If you meet the qualification, please send your resume with recent photograph, current and expected salary, to :

Jobs: Management Trainee

Kami adalah perusahaan farmasi yang berkembang pesat dan merupakan salah satu Market Leader di bidangnya. Saat ini kami membutuhkan kandidat potensial untuk posisi:

Management Trainee
(Jakarta Raya - Jakarta Selatan)
  • Minimal Lulusan S1 (fresh graduate) dengan IPK min. 3.00 atau kandidat dengan pengalaman kerja 1 - 2 tahun
  • Lebih disukai dapat berkomunikasi dalam Bahasa Inggris
  • Memiliki minat untuk berkarir di bidang marketing / operasional
  • Bersedia melakukan perjalanan dinas atau penempatan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia
Kandidat yang lolos seleksi akan mengikuti program komprehensif selama 18 bulan dengan meniti jenjang karir sebagai kader pimpinan di divisi marketing/ pimpinan cabang/ manajemen produk industri farmasi.
Bawa CV Anda dan pas foto 3x4 (1 lembar) untuk mengikuti proses seleksi di:

Jl. Kebayoran Lama No. 28, Jakarta Selatan 12210
(dekat Telkom Kebayoran Lama / Kemandoran VIII)
Rabu – Jumat, 4 – 6 Mei 2011
Pukul 08.00 s/d 17.00


Kirimkan CV dan foto Anda paling lambat tanggal 7 Mei 2011 ke:

E-mail :

Jobs: Design Graphic

The Leading News Television in Indonesia looking for professional, ambitious and highly motivated individuals to join our team as

Graphic Designer
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Male/Female, max age 30 years old
  • Bachelor Degree in Graphic Design, Product Design, Visual Communication Design or any relevant background
  • Good knowledge in 2D, 3D and motion graphic
  • Highly motivated, energetic and innovative

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

Jobs: Japanese Customer Services

PT. Super Wahana Tehno (, is the producer of Ionized Mineral Water "PRISTINE". If you are the people who have the integrity, passion, teamwork spirit, curiosity, courage, be able to make improvement & innovation, and want to win the change, we invite you to join our team as:

Japanese Customer Services
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Female, max. 30 years old
  • Hold Bachelor degree in Japanese Literature with Noryokushiken Level 3,
  • Speak Japanese Fluently
  • Fresh graduate is welcome
  • Computer Operations / Literate MS Office
  • Have a pleasant speaking voice and are easy to understand
  • Friendly, patient, courteous and professional manner
Please send your CV and email to:

Or mail to
Jl Lombok 71, Menteng
Jakarta 10350

Jobs: Underwriter - Marine

..... Join an Insurance Industry Leader.....

Chartis is a world leading property-casualty and general insurance organization with 40,000 employees who serve more than 45 million clients in over 160 countries and jurisdictions. With a 90-year history, one of the industry's most extensive ranges of products and services, deep claims expertise and excellent financial strength, Chartis enable its commercial and personal insurance clients alike to manage virtually any risk with confidence.

Chartis is the marketing name for the worldwide property-casualty and general insurance operations of Chartis Inc. For additional information, please visit our website at and

Underwriter – Marine
(Jakarta Raya)
  • Assist underwriting process in Marine
  • Responsible to process and manage incoming Marine policy applications within authority limit and to maintain existing accounts
  • Provide good customer service to key producers including assisting them on product knowledge
  • Maintain and improve relationships with key producers, clients and industry groups
  • Identifying growth opportunities, new business segments, new product opportunities to support growth objectives
  • Increase Chartis market share through new business development and new distributions
  • Liaise with administration staff, legal, claims, finance and accounting and any other services centre to ensure awareness of underwriting and business activities support standards required
  • Bachelor degree
  • Have minimum 2 years working experience in general insurance industry
  • Fluent in English, both verbal and written and have strong drive to succeed
  • Good communication and interpersonal skills
  • Able to work under pressure and handle multiple priorities
  • Computer literate
  • Attend to details
  • Hold AAAIK certificate would be an advantage
We offer a competitive remuneration package which consists of salary and other fringe benefits.
You may submit your application with a detailed resume to our Recruitment address:

or write-in to us at

Human Resources Department
PT Chartis Insurance Indonesia
Indonesia Stock Exchange Building Tower 2, Floor 3A
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52-53, Jakarta 12190

Jobs: IT Network (Batavia Air)

Batavia Air terus melakukan pengembangan dan salah satunya dengan mencari sumber daya manusia yang memiliki talenta dan bakat dari berbagai universitas dan institusi pendidikan dan industri. Untuk memenuhi tujuan kami tersebut, kami membutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang cerdas, memiliki motivasi yang tinggi untuk membangun bersama Batavia Air, untuk mencapai kesuksesan perusahaan dan kesuksesan anda secara professional.

Setelah bergabung dengan Batavia Air, anda akan memperoleh banyak kesempatan untuk mengembangkan dan meningkatkan kemampuan anda dan mencoba tantangan baru untuk mengasah potensi anda.

Anda akan mendapat pelatihan di berbagai bidang ilmu dan keterampilan dan akan mendapat pengalaman praktek langsung berdasarkan kebutuhan perusahaan di berbagai bidang industri. Batavia Air akan memberikan kesempatan untuk membangun karir anda mencapai profesional dan puncak kesuksesan.

Kami mengundang anda untuk mendaftarkan diri anda di berbagai bidang pekerjaan yang tersedia di Batavia Air dan dengan keinginan yang serius untuk bergabung dengan Batavia Air.

IT Network
(Jakarta Raya)

  • Mengerti dan menguasai :
    • Basic Networking
    • TCP/IP, LAN, WAN
    • Routing Protocol
    • Subnet dan Nat
    • Fortigate dan Juniper (Nilai tambah)

  • Pria/Wanita
  • Maksimal usia 30 tahun
  • Pendidikan S1/D3 jurusan Teknik Informatika
  • Dengan IPK min 2.75
  • Fresh Graduate / min 1 tahun pengalaman
  • Bersedia untuk kerja shif & lembur
  • Bersedia Dinas ke luar kota

Kirim Lamaran, CV lengkap & photo terbaru (tulis kode / subject lamaran di kiri atas amplop) ke:

PT. Metro Batavia
Jl. H. Juanda No.15, Jakarta Pusat

Jobs: Carrefour (Adiminstrator)

Database Administrator
(Jakarta Raya)
  • Monitoring and troubleshooting all running database management system operation.
  • Running and maintaining back up and recovery operation head office and stores.
  • Ensuring that storage, archiving, back up and recovery procedures are functioning correctly.
  • Installing and testing new database management system (DBMS)
  • Working closely with other IT infrastructure team, project managers, application operation and developers.
  • Candidate must possess at least a Diploma or Bachelor's Degree in Engineering (Computer/Telecommunication) or equivalent.
  • Required language(s): English.
  • At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position.
  • Preferably Coordinator/Supervisors specializing in IT/Computer - Network/System/Database Admin or equivalent. Job role in Network/System Engineer or Database Administrator.
  • 1 Full-Time positions available.
Please send your resume and recent photograph by email to:

Jobs: administration

PT Jaya Readymix

As part of a joint venture between the Australian company Boral Ltd and PT. Pembangunan Jaya, PT. Jaya Readymix is a specialized concrete and quarrying company that has recently experienced an exceptional growth. With a reputation for the provision of quality products and services, the company is well placed to embark on its continued expansion. This role provides an excellent opportunity for the professional who fills the vacant position below:

Administration of HRD
(Jakarta Raya) 

  • D3 Degree in all major
  • Preferably has experience minimum 1 year as an administration
  • Fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  • Have knowledge in Jamsostek claim, medical reimbursement, mutation, absenteeism, warning letter
  • Advanced skill in computer (word, excel, access) and internet

All applications will be treated in strictly confidential. Please submit your application, along with your Curriculum Vitae, and a recent photograph within 14 days of this advertisement to:
Human Resources Manager
PT. Jaya Readymix

Graha Mobisel 5th Floor
Jl. Buncit Raya No.139 Jakarta 12740
E-mail :

Jobs: Packaging

We are a Leading Health Foods Company in Indonesia, looking for the best and the brightest candidates to join and grow with us as :

Design for Packaging
(Jakarta Raya)
  • Developing design packaging for Kalbe Nutritionals’ products,
  • design registration, and artwork
  • Male or Female, max. 24 years old
  • Diploma Degree or bachelor degree (fresh graduate or experience) from Graphic Design or Creative Design from reputable university with min. GPA 3,00
  • Having knowledge and skill about printing and artwork
  • Creative, good integrity, good attitude, strong personality, discipline, and detail
  • Willing to learn something new
  • Good in communication

Please submit your application (include your sample design) to :
Gd.Graha Kirana Lt.5, Jl Yos Sudarso Kav.88 Sunter Jakarta Utara

Email :

Jobs:Communication Development

Welcome to Commonwealth Life world. The world of determined people, a place where services met its true meaning, to place the customer in the centre of everything we do.

As we determined to develop Indonesia finest talent, we offer you an exciting, challenging, and rewarding place to work. It will be more than just working, we offer you personal and professional development opportunities at all level in an inclusive and supportive working environment. No matter where do you come from, your age, experience, value, gender, or working style. We appreciate it as power to generate enjoyment for your highest working satisfaction.
Our sustain growth as a part of Commonwealth Bank of Australia Group were acknowledge by broad range of people and reputable institution. While we are very strong as the best insurance company in 2010 for asset amounted of IDR 2.5 trillion to 5 trillion in investor award, we also very determined to deliver our best service to our customers as we received the best service excellence call centre 2010 from CCSL for the 6thconsecutive years. More than everything we have, it is always be our customers that we try to impress every single time in every single interaction we have.
We don’t just aim to meet our customer expectation, but we exceeded it. We empower our people to deliver everyone both of surprise and delight. Quite simply, we aimed to be Indonesia Best Service Provider trough excelling in customer service. Join us, right here, right now, to deliver the best service to Indonesia, to be more determined then others.
If you are determined to be number one, we are offering you a chance to be:

People & Communication Development Officer
(Jakarta Raya)

The incumbent will be responsible to assist people & system development unit head in ensuring training programs are developed, maintained, and documented properly as required. Maintain schedules and facilitates learning programs, classes, seminars, sessions, and workshops. The incumbent will also responsible in develop, customizes, and maintains related training support materials and performs a variety of routine daily tasks such as reports and correspondences.
As part of people development work scope, the incumbent will also responsible to assist unit head in all aspects of internal communication within the company in order to create an inclusive environment that facilitates an awareness and understanding of information. A detailed work scope will including but not limited to following tasks:
  • Search and evaluate training providers and keeping the data up to date.
  • Ensure all training venue and related employee event preparation are handled precisely, and all stakeholders are well informed.
  • Record training plan, programs, and training evaluation.
  • Assist implementation of HR internal communication strategy. Including writing, developing, and implementing internal communication plans, and providing appropriate communication tools in internal communication channels.
  • Ensure the communication content is credible, informative, and well received by staff. Produced on time and handled with high standard.
We are looking for a young and dynamic professional, with a high level of energy and enthusiasm to learn as well having a passion to met company goal with the highest level of working standard. The successful candidate should at least have minimum requirement as follow:
  • Bachelor's Degree in related major, from reputable university. Preferably from social science background.
  • At least 1 year of working experience in the related field is required for this position. Fresh graduate candidate with broad knowledge and strong passion in human resources field is encouraged to apply.
  • Good in communication skills and self confidence, able to provide both of information and solution in appropriate manner.
  • Showing good customer orientation, determined to provide both of surprise and delight in the way of deliver excellent customer services to users.
  • Creative, tidy, and well organized person.
  • Proficiency in English & computer. An additional skills using multimedia or similar thing as communication tools is a plus point.
Should you ready and prepare to join us in most determined environment
please send your updated CV
 along with your recent photograph by clicking Quick Apply button below.
 Non Member can send the application via email by clicking Quick Apply
 and then "Non-Member Application".
 To know us better, please visit:

Jobs: Kalbe Farma (Training Staff)

We are a Leading Health Foods Company in Indonesia, looking for the best and the brightest candidates to join and grow with us as:
Training Staff
(Jakarta Raya)
  • Delivered training and deliver communication skill to Sales Promotion Girl
  • Maintain performance and communication skill for Sales Promotion Girl
  • Making improvement in module and training source align business needs

  • Female, Single, maximum age 30 years old
  • Diploma degree majoring nutrition from reputable university with minimum GPA 3.00
  • Have 0-1 years working experience in deliver training (fresh graduate are welcome to apply)
  • Certified in health training and nutritionist
  • Good in presentation skill, communication skill, and using Ms. Office (Word, Excel, and Power point)
  • Open minded, honest, and hard worker
  • Good in tenacity, fast learner, responsible, pro-active, easy going, attention to details, and high achievement orientation
  • Excellent in communication, cooperative, and creative

Please send your application to:

Ged. Graha Kirana Lt. 5 Suite 501
Jl. Yos Sudarso Kav. 88 Sunter Jakarta Utara 14350
Or Email :