Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Lomba Esai dan Cerpen Online se-Indonesia Jilid II, 2012

Setelah sukses menyelenggarakan Lomba Esai dan Cerpen Online se-Indonesia Jilid I, kini Bina Penulis Muda Indonesia (BPMI) bekerja sama dengan Gema Pemuda Nusantara (Gedanus) kembali mengadakan Lomba Esai dan Cerpen Online se-Indonesia Jilid II. Lomba kali ini diselenggarakan untuk menyemarakkan kedatangan Tahun Baru 2012 dan sebagai sarana Pemuda-Pemudi Indonesia untuk menyalurkan semangat Tahun Baru melalui Esai maupun Cerpen.

Tema Besar LECO Jilid II adalah:
““KKaarryyaa PPeemmuuddaa uunnttuukk MMaassaa DDeeppaann””..

Topik pilihan: Resolusi Pemuda Tahun 2012; Cita dan Cinta Tahun Baru; Pemuda Indonesia Masa Depan; dan topik lain yang sesuai dengan tema.

Hadiah untuk masing-masing kategori Esai dan Cerpen:
Juara I : Rp. 3.500.000,- + Sertifikat Juara I
Juara II : Rp. 2.500.000,- + Sertifikat Juara II
Juara III : Rp. 1.500.000,- + Sertifikat Juara III
Bagi 5 karya terbaik mendapatkan: Rp.150.000,- + Sertifikat Karya Terbaik
  1. Peserta Lomba Peserta adalah Pelajar dan Mahasiswa setara S0 – S1 Aktif, baik WNI maupun WNA, dan dibuktikan dengan foto/scan Kartu Pelajar atau Kartu Mahasiswa.
  2. Panitia LECO Jilid II, anggota BPMI dan Gedanus, wartawan, ataupun penulis buku profesional TIDAK DIPERKENANKAN mengikuti lomba ini.
  3. Esai ditulis secara perseorangan.
  4. Melakukan pembayaran pendaftaran lomba sebesar Rp. 30.000,-/karya ke bendahara LECO Jilid II:
Bank : BNI KCP Darmaga Bogor
Nomor Rekening : 0157158253
a/n : Sdri. Farida Ayu Brilyanti
No. Hp : 0853.1234.2559
Pada slip setoran bank dicantumkan “Pembayaran LECO Jilid II”
  • Ketentuan Penulisan Esai dan Cerpen merupakan hasil karya orisinil, belum pernah dipubilkasikan di media manapun, dan belum pernah diikutkan lomba sejenis.
  • Menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, serta berkaitan dengan tema besar.
  • Memakai aturan penulisan:
* Ukuran kertas A4
* Batas kiri, atas, kanan, dan bawah 2,5 cm
* Jenis huruf Times New Roman, ukuran 12 pt
* Spasi ganda (double)
* Banyak karakter 6.000 – 10.000 dengan spasi. Sertakan Biodata yang mencakup:
* Nama,
* Alamat Lengkap (untuk mengirim sertifikat bagi pemenang),
* Asal Sekolah/Kampus,
* Nomor Telepon/HP yang dapat dihubungi,
* E-mail yang aktif,
* Nomor rekening pribadi atau wali
* Pernyataan bahwa karya yang di buat merupakan karya orisinil, belum pernah dimuat di media apapun, dan belum pernah diikutkan lomba sejenis.
* foto/scan Kartu Pelajar atau Kartu Mahasiswa; serta
* foto/scan bukti pembayaran. Kirim Esai dan Cerpen dengan cara melampirkan Dokumen MS. Word ke email panitialeco@gmail.com dengan subyek email:
  • Ketentuan Lomba Pemenang lomba akan dihubungi langsung melalui telepon dan email resmi dari panitia.
  • Karya yang diserahkan menjadi hak milik panitia namun hak cipta tetap milik peserta.
  • Peserta dapat mengikuti kategori Esai, Cerpen, maupun keduanya dengan masing-masing maksimal hanya satu karya.
  • Peserta dapat mengirimkan karyanya hingga tanggal 8 Januari 2012
  • Penjurian akan dilakukan pada tanggal 9 hingga 15 Januari 2012 oleh Tim Dewan Juri dari Bina Penulis Muda Indonesia, Gema Pemuda Nusantara, Atikah Pitriyah (Juara I Esai LECO Jilid I dari Sukabumi), serta Puji Sukma Astuti (Juara I Cerpen LECO Jilid I dari Pekalongan).
  • Pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan di situs resmi pada tanggal 16 Januari 2012 Peserta dilarang melakukan kolusi dengan tim dewan juri.
  • Keputusan dewan juri bersifat mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat.
  • Ketentuan lain akan di tetapkan oleh pihak panitia LECO Jilid II sesuai dengan kebutuhan.
  • Informasi lebih lanjut kunjungi www.LECOjilid2.co.cc

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

writer for Euvoria.com

Euvoria.com is a vibrant e-commerce company based in Jakarta. Our vision is to be the best e-commerce company in Indonesia. At the moment, we are seeking talented people to join our dynamic team.

Jakarta Raya

  • Your role will be to create interesting content for Euvoria.com. The content will range from fashion, gadget and lifestyle. Occassionally, you will be required to conduct interviews on online businesses. Your writing should be concise and you need to have a good sense of humour. Experience in journalism or blog writing is a clear advantage.
  • S1, min GPA 3.00. Major: All Discipline
  • Female / Male
  • Max. 30 years old.
  • Exp. Min. 1 year.

If you satisfy the above criteria, please send your Application and CV to : joinus@euvoria.com

Journalist for Asiakomnet

Established in May 28st, 1977; ASIAKOMNET MULTIMEDIA (ASN) is one of the national’s leading company in supplying smart card solution enabling technology for innovative smart card and support solutions and offers the most diversified product and services portfolio available on the market today. Beside smart cards ASN also as a leading provider of data communication and Telecommunication solutions and services. In 2003, ASN became the first Indonesian-owned telecommunication provider to obtain FBO (Facilities Based Operator) license in Singapore.

ASN has its headquarters in Jakarta and offices in Singapore and throughout the major cities of Indonesia.  With a complete range of product and services ASN offers a comprehensive array of solutions to its customers as one-stop shopping for any requirement in the area of turnkey smart card and telecommunication projects and day-by-day operational maintenance and support.

To support our sustained growth, we are inviting highly qualified professionals to join our team.
Jakarta Raya
  • Male / Female
  • S1 Graduated in English Literature / Public Relation / Journalist
  • Min. 2 years experience in the same field position
  • Experience in reviewing in one or more fields such as : lifestyle, food & beverages, entertainment, spa & beauty, hotel and accommodation 
  • Excellent in English both oral & written
  • Computer literate : Microsoft Office
  • Able to write articles reports & features for web, create and prepare written material & understanding search engine optimization
  • Responsible, details, self motivated, communicative, well-organized & target oriented
Please send your comprehensive resume with recent Photograph to :


Butuh Penulis untuk Atoh.com

Atoh.com adalah blog yang memberitakan dan mengulas game casual dan atau indie untuk beragam platform: mobile, handheld, PC, console, board, baik yang dikembangkan oleh developer Indonesia maupun luar negeri. Konten tersaji dalam bahasa Indonesia.

Bandung (Jawa Barat)
  • Menulis artikel baik berita maupun non berita
  • Menulis review game, terutama game mobile
  • Menulis event report dari acara game
  • Punya pengalaman menulis
  • Punya blog yg di tulis rutin jadi nilai plus
  • Suka dan selalu bermain game
  • Passionate
  • Hardwork
  • Kenal dgn platform game mobile, android, ios, nokia dll serta game web based, flash, facebook, chrome, google+
  • memiliki salah satu platform mobile jd nilai plus
  • Terbiasa bekerja dengan lingkungan web, mobile app
  • Biasa bekerja dengan wordpress
Sertakan contoh tulisan 300 kata ke


Wartawan untuk Kelompok Media Peluang

SEGERA, Kelompok Media Peluang membutuhkan:

Wartawan (Kode: W)
Jakarta Raya
  • Pria/Wanita, Single
  • Usia minimal 24 tahun (bersedia tidak menikah dalam waktu 3 tahun pertama)
  • Pendidikan terakhir S1 dari semua jurusan (lebih diutamakan Exact & Ekonomi) dari Universitas Negeri, IPK minimal 3.00
  • Menguasai bhs Inggris aktif & pasif, Sehat jasmani & rohani (dinyatakan dengan surat keterangan Dokter)
  • Bersedia bekerja 24 jam (bila dibutuhkan)
  • Mempunyai jiwa entrepreneur
  • Memiliki kendaraan sendiri (sepeda motor / SIM C)
  • Bersedia menjadi wartawan hunting selama 24 Jam (bila dibutuhkan)
  • Menyukai dunia hiburan & gaya hidup
Surat lamaran, CV, foto copy KTP, ijazah dari SD sampai dengan ijzah terakhir , Surat Keterangan Dokter, Surat Keterangan Catatan Kepolisian, pas foto 4X6 cm, nomor telp yang bisa dihubungi dikirm ke alamat:

Gedung Indonesia Business Today
Jl. RS. Fatmawati No. 200, Jakarta 12430

Senin, 21 November 2011

Reporter at GATRA

Kami salah satu Majalah Berita terkemuka sedang membutuhkan karyawan untuk mengisi posisi, sebagai :

Reporter (Kode: REP)
Jakarta Raya 
  • Pria/Wanita, usia max 27 th.
  • S1 semua jurusan, IPK min 2.75 (exact) atau 3.00 (non exact)
  • Menguasai Bahasa Inggris
  • Mempunyai minat yang tinggi untuk menjadi Jurnalis/Wartawan
  • Memiliki pengalaman aktif di organisasi atau pers kampus
  • Memiliki pengalaman atau pengetahuan jurnalistik merupakan nilai plus
  • Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Excel, Word, Internet)
  • Bersedia bekerja dengan deadline keredaksian yang ketat
Lamaran lengkap dengan mencantumkan posisi yang dilamar pada pojok kiri atas, dan melampirkan : CV, pasfoto 4x6 (2lbr), fotocopy Ijasah, transkrip, KTP, pengalaman kerja, dll, diterima paling lambat 2 minggu setelah iklan ini.
Lamaran dapat dikirimkan ke :

HR Department

Gedung Gatra
Jl. Kalibata Timur IV No.15,
Jakarta Selatan 12740

Lowongan: Reporter at MNC TV

MNC TV is the third private television station in Indonesia. As a fast growing national broadcasting company, MNC TV currently seeking young and talented individuals to fill following position:

Reporter (BDP)
Jakarta Raya,
  • Candidate must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field and reputable university (State University).
  • Male/Female
  • Age 22 - 27 years old
  • Required skill(s): Excellent Communication skil.
  • Preferred skill(s): Good Looking.
  • Required language(s): English, Bahasa Indonesia
  • Fresh graduates/Entry level applicants are encouraged to apply.
If you meet these requirements, please submit your comprehensive resume and recent photograph via email to :

recruitment@mnctv.com or

or mail to:

HRD-Recruitment MNC TV
Jln. Pintu II TMII, Pondok Gede, Jakarta Timur, 13810
Put code of job position as subject of email

Only short listed candidates will be notified to undergo further processes.

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Chevening Scholarships for Indonesian & East Timor Citizens, UK

The British Chevening Awards programme, funded by the British Government (Foreign andCommonwealth Office) and administered by the British Council, has awarded over 1000 scholarship and fellowships to Indonesians since 1984.
Full scholarships are offered for one year Master degrees at United Kingdom universities and other professional institutions. The scholarships would cover living costs, tuition fees and return airfares.
The deadline for applications for 2012/13 Chevening Scholarships in Indonesia and East Timor is 15 January 2012.
Applications 2012/2013 Chevening scholarships should be made via the website: https://www.chevening.fco.gov.uk/CheveningApplications/CA_Start.aspx
Candidates should be aware that Chevening 2012/2013 is aligned with delivery of the FCO’s priorities. More information about these is available at: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/what-we-do/our-priorities/
The Chevening scheme is highly competitive, with only the best applicants invited for interview. We particularly encourage applications from individuals based in eastern Indonesia. Candidates will need to meet the following basic requirements:
  • Indonesian or East Timor citizens
  • Excellent first degree with a minimum GPA >=3.0
  • Good level of spoken and written English language (IELTS 6.5)
  • Minimum of 2 years full time post-graduate (S1) work experience
  • Clear commitment to long-term career development
  • Must be able to demonstrate leadership potential and the capacity to play an important role in Indonesia or East Timor’s future development
  • We regret that we are unable to accept applications for MBAs
  • Previous recipients of a Chevening award are not eligible to apply
  • Employees, employee’s relatives (or former employees who have left employment within the last two years) of the FCO, including FCO posts, the British Council or any Chevening sponsors are not be eligible for these awards.
Other information relevant to applications will be posted on this page and at: http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/about-us/what-we-do/scholarships/ as well as on the Chevening Facebook page.
All candidates are encouraged to start researching appropriate postgraduate courses at UK institutions and making applications directly to them as appropriate.

Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Program, Indonesia – USA

The Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Program was established in October 2002 to provide scholarships for high school students (15-17 years of age) from countries with significant Muslimpopulations, including Indonesia, to spend up to one academic year in the United States. YES students live with host families, attend high school, engage in activities to learn about America, acquireleadership skills, and help educate Americans about their countries and cultures.
In 2007, YES Abroad was established to provide a similar experience for U.S. students (15-18 years of age) in selected YES countries. Yayasan Bina Antarbudaya, along with the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, manages the YES program in Indonesia. Over 500 Indonesians have participated in this program to date.
Apply: download form (PDF/452KB)
Deadline: April 2012
For more information, please visit official website: yesprograms.org

Singapore Scholarship for ASEAN Countries, Singapore Cooperation Programme

Application for the Singapore Scholarship must be submitted on the prescribed application form. Please contact the Singapore Embassy / High Commission / Consulate-General in your capital city for a copy of the Singapore Scholarship brochure and application form.
Applicants will be required to submit a typed-written essay of about 300-500 words. The essay is an important part of your application.
All supporting documents have to be attached. Those supporting documents that are not in English must have a certified translation in English. Translation and certification of transcripts and academic records have to be done by your educational institutions.
Applications must be endorsed and submitted by their respective ASEAN Governments. The relevant agencies to endorse the application are:
Technical Assistance Division
Ministry Foreign Affairs and Trade
Jalan Subok
Bandar Seri Begawan
Brunei Darussalam
Tel: 673-2261177
Fax: 673-2230903
HE Dr Phoeurng Sackona
Secretary of State
(in charge of Youth and Sport Cultural Relations and Scholarships Department)
Ministry of Education Youth & Sport
Kingdom of Cambodia
Mobile: (855) 12 618 499
Fax: (855) 23 427 235
Email: sackonap@gmail.com
Website: www.moeys.gov.kh
Ibu Indah
Bureau of Foreign Co-operation
Ministry of National Education
Gedung C, Lantai 6
Jl Jend. Sudirman
Senayan, Jakarta
Tel : 6221- 5795 3083
Fax : 6221- 574 6395
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
Mr Sengsomphone Viravouth
Director General
Department of Planning and International Cooperation
Ministry of Education
Tel/Fax: 856-21-216006
Daw Myat Myat So
Foreign Economic Relations Department
Ministry of National Planning and Economic Development
Building No. (1)
Nay Pyi Taw
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
TeL: 95-067407342
Fax: 95-067407027
Ms Peach Vergara
Embassy of the Republic of Singapore
505 Rizal Drive Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City
Republic of the Philippines
Tel : 632-856 9922 loc 104
Ms Komutee Yamolanan
Bureau of International Cooperation
Ministry of Education
Bangkok 10300
Tel : 02-281 6370 ext 108
Fax: 02-281 0953
Dr Nguyen Xuan Vang
Director General
Vietnam International Education Development
Ministry of Education and Training
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
21 Le Thanh Tong Street
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-3933 5795
Fax: 84-4-3933 5491
Late and incomplete applications will not be considered. Documents submitted separately from applications will also not be considered.
Please also note that most shortlisted nominees will take the entrance examinations set by NTU or NUS. All shortlisted nominees will also have to undergo an interview conducted by interviewers from NTU , NUS and SMU. The entrance examinations and interviews will be conducted in the respective ASEAN countries.
The decision of the Singapore Government on the selection of Singapore Scholarship recipients is final.
Who is eligible
Citizens of ASEAN member countries (except Singapore) are eligible to apply for the Singapore Scholarship.
Candidates must have an outstanding academic record, a good command of English and meet the entry requirements for NTU, NUS and SMU. They are:
Brunei Darussalam
  • completed General Certificate of Education Advanced Level with a pass in English and 3 other ‘A’ level subjects
  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a local Cambodian university
  • completed Indonesia SMU Ujian Akhir Nasional (UAN) with excellent academic results
  • currently undergoing 1st year of undergraduate studies in a local Indonesian university is preferred.
Lao People’s Democratic Republic
  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a local Laotian university
  • completed Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM)
  • completed General Certificate of Education Advanced Level with a pass in English and 3 other ‘A’ level subjects
  • completed UEC examinations
  • completed at least 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a local Myanmar university
  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a local Filipino university
  • completed Thai Mathayom 6 examinations
  • currently undergoing 1st year or 2nd year of undergraduate studies in a local Vietnamese university
Candidates have to complete the above requirements within a 3-year period prior to the date of application.
What is offered
  • The Singapore Scholarship is tenable for the minimum period required to obtain the respective degrees at Nanyang Technological UniversityNational University of Singapore orSingapore Management University. It covers full tuition fees and a living allowance of S$4,300 (covering meals, transport, textbooks and course materials during school semester) per academic year. In addition, a separate full accommodation allowance based on the room rates at each university or designated hostel will be provided during school semester.
  • One return economy class air ticket is provided for the Scholar’s passage from his/her home country to Singapore for the duration of studies determined by the Singapore Government. No additional assistance will be provided for other travel expenses.
  • A recipient of the Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other Scholarship, Fellowship, Grant or Award without the prior approval of the Singapore Government.
  • There is no bond imposed on the Scholarship by the Singapore Government. The Scholars are expected to return home to contribute to the development of their countries upon graduation.
  • The scholarship is open to applicants who have not gained admission and are currently not studying at the Singapore Universities.
  • The Singapore Government reserves the right to terminate the Scholarship if the Scholar’s academic progress is unsatisfactory or his conduct is in violation of the university’s rules and regulations.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What does the Singapore Scholarship offer?
A: The Singapore Scholarship is a Government to Government Scholarship for students who are citizens of ASEAN member countries (except Singapore) and is for a full-time undergraduate study at the Singapore university (NUS, NTU or SMU).
Q: What does the Singapore Scholarship cover?
A: The Singapore Scholarship covers full tuition fees, living allowance of S$4,300 per annum and accommodation fee based on the room rates at each university during the school semester. One economy class air ticket from scholar’s home country to Singapore at the commencement of their undergraduate course and one economy class air ticket from Singapore to their home country upon successful completion of their undergraduate course. No further financial assistance will be provided for other travel expenses as well as any additional expenses/fees incurred during the Overseas’ Exchange Programme, Overseas’ Attachments or Summer Courses taken up by the scholars with their respective universities.
Q: What is the difference between this Award and other Scholarships Scheme?
A: Under the Singapore Scholarship, the Singapore Government will not impose any bond on the scholars. However, all scholars are expected to return home at the end of their studies in Singapore to contribute to the development of their country. This is different from other undergraduate scholarship schemes, where the graduating students would be obliged to work in Singapore for certain period of time to repay the tuition grant from the Singapore Government. In the case of the Singapore Scholarship, the Singapore Cooperation Programme is sponsoring by paying the full tuition fees for these ASEAN scholars who therefore do not need to apply for the tuition grant with the universities.
Q: What are the courses offered under the Singapore Scholarship?
A: The courses offered by the respective universities under the Singapore Scholarship are indicated in the Singapore Scholarship application form.
A copy of the Singapore Scholarship Application Form can be downloaded from our website http://www.scp.gov.sg/
Q: Is there a quota set for each ASEAN country?
A: The scholarship is awarded based on merit. Candidates must have an outstanding academic record, a good command of English and meet the entry requirements for the universities. Shortlisted candidates have to sit for an entrance exam and interview at the respective ASEAN countries except for candidates from Brunei and Malaysia who will only sit for the interview.
Q :Why do some scholars need to undergo bridging courses?
A: There are considerable differences in the school syllabus and educational system between some of the ASEAN countries and Singapore. Thus our scholars will benefit from a one-year bridging course before starting their undergraduate studies. During the bridging programme, they will be given tuition in English, Maths and other core subjects such as Economics and Physics.
Q: Where can I obtain information on the Singapore Scholarship?
A: Interested applicants may wish to visit our website http://www.scp.gov.sg/ for more information on the Singapore Scholarship.
Q: Can I apply for other Scholarships after I have been awarded the Singapore Scholarship?
A: A recipient of the Scholarship may not concurrently hold any other Scholarship, Fellowship, Grant or Award without the prior approval of the Singapore Government.
Q: When is the course commencement date for each academic year?
A: The academic year for the Singapore universities starts in July/August.
Q: What are the application procedures and supporting documents to be attached with the applications?
A: Applications must be submitted on the prescribed form and must be endorsed by the respective recipient Government. All supporting documents must be certified true copy by a Education Institution. Applicants have to submit an English translation for any supporting documents that are not in English. The following documents have to be submitted with the application form:
  • High school exam results slip
  • University transcripts (if applicable)
  • Secondary school exam results slip
  • Additional results slip eg. TOEFL, SAT
  • Academic awards and extra-Curricular activities certificates for the last four years
  • University entrance exam results (if any)
  • Copies of the Birth Certificate and Passport
The decision of the Singapore Government on the selection of Singapore Scholarship recipient is final.
Applications for the Singapore Scholarship for Academic Year 2012/2013 open on 28th November 2011 and close on 23rd December 2011.
For more information, write to:
Singapore Scholarship
c/o Technical Cooperation Directorate
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Singapore 248 163
Tel: (65) 6379 8000
Fax: (65) 6479 3357
Email: mfa_scp@mfa.gov.sg
For more information, please visit official website: app.scp.gov.sg

Beasiswa Mahasiswa Berprestasi Universitas Paramadina

Universitas Paramadina menyediakan beasiswa bagi mahasiswa berprestasi dengan ketentuan sebagai berikut :
Penawaran beasiswa diadakan setiap pertengahan semester berjalan dan diberikan pada awal semester berikutnya, sesuai keputusan universitas.
Mahasiswa harus mengajukan permohonan tertulis yang ditujukan kepada Direktur Kerjasama danFellowship (Kurniawaty Yusuf, M.Si.) melalui saudari Muna Pratiwi di Ruang Cordova, Gedung B dengan melampirkan :
  1. Transkip Nilai (daftar matakuliah yang telah diambil)
  2. KHS lengkap
  3. Kartu Keluarga
  4. Slip Penghasilan dan atau Keterangan Pendapatan Orangtua
  5. Rekomendasi dari Ketua Program Studi
  6. Pernyataan mahasiswa bermaterai, tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak manapun
Beasiswa hanya diberikan kepada mahasiswa yang sekurang-kurangnya telah menempuh perkuliahanminimal 3 semester regular di Universitas Paramadina dengan ketentuan : memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) dan Indeks Prestasi Semester (IPS) minimal 3,5 (tiga koma lima).
Beasiswa diberikan dalam bentuk :
  1. Pembebasan pembayaran biaya Sumbangan Penyelenggaraan Pendidikan (SPP)
  2. Bagi mahasiswa yang dapat mencapai Indeks Prestasi Semester (IPS) 3,75 (tiga koma tujuh lima) secara berturut-turut selama 5 semester, akan dipertimbangkan untuk memperoleh beasiswa dalam bentuk pembebasan Biaya SKS dan Biaya SPP.
Beasiswa ini, tidak berlaku bagi mahasiswa Paramadina Fellowship (PF), Paramadina Social Responsibility (PSR), Program Studi Falsafah dan Agama, Beswan Djarum, dan penerima beasiswa PPA, BBM, BKM, serta penerima beasiswa lainnya.
Beasiswa akan dibatalkan dan ditarik kembali oleh pihak Universitas Paramadina, jika ditemukan manipulasi berkas dan informasi terkait proses pengajuan beasiswa.
Permohonan beasiswa dapat diajukan pada tanggal 5 November dan berakhir pada tanggal 18 November 2011, pukul 16.00 WIB.
Penerima beasiswa akan diumumkan pada tanggal 28 November 2011 melalui info DKPM, milis@students.paramadina.ac.id serta Mading Universitas Paramadina.

Kamis, 15 September 2011

Beasiswa S1, Djarum Beasiswa Plus, Indonesia

Djarum Beasiswa Plus berperan aktif memajukan pendidikan melalui pembudayaan dan pemberdayaan mahasiswa berprestasi tinggi, dalam berbagai pelatihan soft skills untuk membentuk manusia Indonesia yang disiplin, mandiri dan berwawasan masa depan serta menjadi pemimpin yang cakap intelektual, emosional dan spiritual.

Sejak 1984, ribuan mahasiswa menerima Beasiswa dan Program Pengembangan Karakter dari Djarum. Djarum percaya, pendidikan yang baik adalah bekal dalam mewujudkan bangsa yang kokoh, sejahtera dan bermartabat.

Beasiswa dan Pengembangan Karakter
Djarum menyadari, pendidikan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan bangsa dalam mewujudkan masa depan yang lebih baik.

Oleh sebab itu, sejak tahun 1984 melalui program Djarum Bakti Pendidikan, Djarum memberikan beasiswa kepada para mahasiswa-mahasiswi strata satu berprestasi tinggi dari berbagai Perguruan Tinggi baik Negeri maupun Swasta di seluruh Indonesia. Untuk semakin menegaskan komitmennya memajukan dunia pendidikan, mulai tahun ini Djarum Bakti Pendidikan telah berubah menjadi Djarum Beasiswa Plus. Hal ini sesuai dengan arah kegiatan CSR PT Djarum di bidang pendidikan yang akan fokus dan identik dengan pemberian beasiswa.

Para calon penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus tersebut diseleksi secara ketat dan harus memenuhi persyaratan IQ dan EQ sehingga mereka memiliki kecerdasan emosional dalam proses meraih prestasi.
Selain mendapat bantuan biaya pendidikan, para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus (Beswan Djarum) juga menerima manfaat lain berupa program pengembangan karakter yang merupakan kelebihan dari Program Djarum Beasiswa Plus , yaitu dengan mengikuti seminar/lokakarya, pelatihan-pelatihan, leadership, motivasi, outbound, practical skills, maupun kewirausahaan (entrepreneur skill) dan lain-lain agar para Beswan Djarum bisa mandiri dan menjadi pemimpin arif.

Para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus mendapatkan dana beasiswa sebesar Rp 600.000,- setiap bulan selama 1 tahun.
Selain dana beasiswa, para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus juga (Beswan Djarum) mendapatkan pembekalan berbagai macam soft skills, guna menyerasikan antara pencapaian akademik (hard skills) yang diperoleh di kampus dengan berbagai ketrampilan  agar para Beswan Djarum dikemudian hari menjadi manusia yang cakap intelegensia, emosional maupun spiritual.
Kegiatan soft skills yang diberikan diantaranya:

Wawasan Kebangsaan
Beswan Djarum dari seluruh penjuru Nusantara berkumpul dalam satu rangkaian acara guna menyatukan keanekaragaman yang mereka miliki. Para Beswan Djarum mengikuti rangkaian acara seperti talk show yang bertema kebangsaan, serta performing arts dimana mereka menampilkan kemampuannya dalam bentuk seni pertunjukan daerah.

Character Building
Pelatihan Character Building diberikan dalam kegiatan Outbound guna membentuk orientasi dan motivasi diri pada setiap individu para Beswan Djarum, serta membangun kekuatan tim diantara mereka.

Leadership Training
Serangkaian pelatihan yang mengajak para Beswan Djarum untuk berlatih menjadi pemimpin yang efektif dan memiliki visi masa depan, melatih kreatifitas, serta mampu berbicara dan memberikan presentasi di depan umum dengan baik.

Lomba Debat
Suatu ajang kompetisi untuk membentuk kemampuan para Beswan Djarum dalam menyampaikan dan mempertahankan pendapatnya berdasarkan fakta atau teori yang telah mereka pelajari.

Lomba Karya Tulis
Merupakan wahana pembelajaran bagi para Beswan Djarum untuk mengekspresikan kemampuan intelektual dirinya dalam tulisan ilmiah, sekaligus juga merangsang kepekaan terhadap berbagai fenomena sesuai integritas keilmuan masing-masing.

Kegiatan Lainnya
Beragam kegiatan lainnya sesuai keberadaan daerah asal para Beswan Djarum, diantaranya: Bakti Sosial (donor darah, bantuan bencana, pengobatan gratis), Bakti Lingkungan (melestarikan lingkungan dengan menanam pohon), Bakti Pendidikan (memberikan bimbingan belajar untuk anak SD), Bakti Budaya (melihat kegiatan kesenian nasional), serta beberapa kegiatan lainnya.

Persyaratan untuk menjadi penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus
  • Sedang menempuh Tingkat Pendidikan S1 (Strata 1) dari semua disiplin ilmu.
  • Memasuki semester V dengan IPK minimum 3.00 pada semester IV.
  • Aktif mengikuti kegiatan organisasi baik didalam maupun diluar Kampus.
  • Tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
  • Mengisi Form Pendaftaran Djarum Beasiswa Plus, yang dapat di download atau mengambil di Bagian Kemahasiswaan di Kampus masing-masing..
  • Fotocopy Kartu Hasil Studi Semester IV.
  • Fotocopy sertifikat kegiatan organisasi/surat keterangan aktif berorganisasi.
  • Surat keterangan dari Kampus tidak sedang menerima beasiswa dari pihak lain.
  • Satu lembar foto ukuran 4 x 6 cm berwarna memakai jas almamater.
  • Mengikuti psikotes.
  • Wawancara.
  • Membuat tulisan singkat.
Pendaftaran program Djarum Beasiswa Plus tahun 2011/2012 ditutup tanggal 23 September 2011.
For more information, please visit official website: www.djarumbeasiswaplus.org